Javascript code :
/*@description: This script will insert a modal div in the standard page. the modal will contain a VF page. This file should be located in static resource.*/ var j$ = jQuery.noConflict(); var currentUrl = window.location.href; var hostIndex = currentUrl.indexOf('/')+('/').length; var accountId = currentUrl.substring(hostIndex,hostIndex+15); j$(function(){ /*Insert the jQuery style sheets in the Head.*/ /*Insert the Modal dialog along with the VF as an iframe inside the div.*/ j$("head").after( j$("<link>",{rel:"stylesheet", href:""})); j$("body").after( j$("<div>",{id:"modalDiv", style:"display:none;" }).append( j$("<iframe>",{id:"vfFrame", src:"/apex/popup4page?id="+accountId, height:200, width:550, frameBorder:0}) )); /*Initialize the Dialog window.*/ j$("#modalDiv").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 210, width: 605, modal:true }); });